kids acting out a sunday school song


There's Something For Everyone At Crossroads

At Crossroads Church in Ellsworth, it is our mission to connect people to the God who loves them. We believe and teach that the core foundation of the mission is found in healthy relationships. Starting with God, Family, and Community.

We strive to create opportunities for connection with Godly activities, fun, fellowship and an opportunity to learn the Word of God for people of all ages and walks of life. Our ministries offer something for everyone and cover a wide range of groups and ages. Learn more about our various ministries below or check out our current Connect Groups to find a place you can connect to us.

kid in an ellsworth me church

Sunday School

We offer age-appropriate classes every Sunday morning from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. When you enter our building you will be greeted by a caretaker that will give you a tour of our facility and introduce you to our friendly Sunday school staff. You will then be directed to the age-appropriate classroom for your child.

No matter which room you enter you will be impressed with the hard work and dedication that is evident in the classroom decor and current theme displays. The ease of leaving your children in their classroom will come almost without effort when you meet our exceptional teachers and take in the room’s appearance geared specifically for their age group.

You can be confident that you are leaving them in good hands and that their experience will be a positive one.

sunday school children

Crossroads Youth

Our mission is to reach the youth of our generation with the Gospel message of Jesus Christ, and to help them build their lives on a strong foundation, not upon the shifting sands of current fads and one-hit wonders.

Being a teen in today's generation is a hard battle to fight on your own. The struggle to fit in, but somehow stand out and be yourself, can be exhausting. The word of God tells us to "Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." (Mathew 11:28)

There are many young people who are looking for the "right" place to fit in. Well, congratulations, you've found it!

If you need a place to laugh and sing, it's here. If you need a place to cry and weep, it's here. If you need a place of peace and comfort, it's here. Whatever you need, we can guarantee you will find it in the presence of the Lord. And all of the new friends you'll meet is just an added benefit. Don't believe us? Just give it a try!

crossroads youth ice skating

Hyphen - Young Adult Ministry

Over the years, Christianity has suffered a great loss of young adults between the ages of 18-30 years. This particular age group, more than any other, was left nearly abandoned after aging out of the typical "Youth Group" age but not yet at the same stage of life as other adults. Hence the creation of a ministry in the UPCI directed specifically towards young adults. The name chosen was "Hyphen" and this name was meant to represent the phase that many young adults find themselves in, but it also served to symbolize the connections needed to keep them secure in their Apostolic faith.

At Crossroads, we have a thriving young adult ministry that connects like aged adults to a small group where they can fellowship, grow and find their purpose and calling of God in an environment created specifically for them. We have morning Bible Study on Sundays at 10am that includes a time of coffee, fellowship and rightly dividing the Word of God. We also gather together for monthly breakfasts, small group meetings/game nights and a quarterly "large" event. If you are a young adult looking for good wholesome fun with others your age, seeking to further your relationship with God or looking for a purpose to life, we invite you to connect with our Hyphen group today.

young adults having a bible study around the fire

The Brotherhood - Crossroads Men's Ministry

Forging Men Into What God Designed Us To Be

The Bible places an incredible amount of responsibility on the man as the head of his house and leader of the home. At Crossroads Apostolic Church, our goal is to forge men into the strong, godly leaders that He designed us to be. We strive for unity, a sense of purpose and to teach our men to properly fulfill the leadership role God has placed us in. The Brotherhood is about healing and restoring man’s masculine soul.

Men Must Have a Mission

A man without a mission is destined to fail. The Brotherhood gives each man a mission and purpose. We are relentlessly committed to the ethos of "Leave NO Man Behind". We never quit on or abandon a brother. We are committed to:

  • Helping men achieve greatness in their lives.

  • Teaching men to live, lead and love with purpose and power

  • Bringing men back into divine alignment

Together we will wage war on mediocrity; confront and conquer every issue and insecurity that has held you back. All activities are designed to forge men into being more effective, complete and courageous men of God. Some of the outings and activities we do include:

  • Monthly Bible studies that challenge men where they are

  • Shooting

  • Hikes

  • Paintball

  • Fishing trips and more!

We reach out to and encourage the men of Hancock County, and the greater surrounding Ellsworth area, to come join The Brotherhood. If you have any questions or would like more information on how you can be a part of what we're doing, please contact us.

men's bible study

Ladies Ministry

Crossroads Church is very blessed to have a dedicated, active, and godly group of ladies. Their goal is to strengthen the family and the church and to be an encouragement to those who may be suffering physically or emotionally.

Our ladies are an active group that participate in various functions such as shopping trips, ladies retreats, monthly Bible studies, hikes in Acadia National Park, game nights and much more.

lady at crossroads church

Music Ministry

God created us to be instruments with the ability to sing and make music.

“Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord;” - Ephesian 5:16

Music is an important part of our worship and church experience. The Bible commands us to sing and praise God. The mission of the Crossroads Music Ministry is to set and maintain an atmosphere which invites and promotes worship. We strive to be thoroughly prepared, while training and teaching those with God-given talents and abilities to develop a ministry mindset in regards to Gospel music. The music you will hear is music that promotes glorifying and praising God. During our worship services you will see us lifting our hands, dancing unto the lord, kneeling in adoration and even shedding some tears.

We are all praisers and we encourage everyone in the service to join us in singing along, helping us Set The Atmosphere for the miraculous to happen!

worship leader at crossroads church